Germany Phone numbers end user requirement changes



Due to a change in German laws and regulations additional requirements apply to German phonenumbers.

As from December 2 2020, all German Geographical and National numbers need to be associated with a valid business end user, together with ID and address proofs before March 2021.

The following information is required:
End user location: Within Germany and within the geographic area corresponding to the area
Address proof*
Business Registration proof
ID proof Required of authorised person of business**

We ask you to provide the information above as soon as possible. You can send the information to

Please be aware that – without this information – numbers will be suspended per March 1 2021.

Additional Comments

*Accepted proof:
Handelsregisterauszug (Commercial Register)

Bescheinigung der Gewerbeanzeige (Business Registration)

Business Taxation document supplied by the local authority whether that be government, state, municipality.


** Accepted proof:
Government issued ID from any country (Passport/National ID Card/Driving Licence ID Card). We accept ages of 18 years and over.

The ID must be of the representative named on the business registration or the ID of an authorized representative along with a document linking the authorized representative to the business must be provided.

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